
Joséphine by Jean Rolin seeking publisher. 

Sans alcool by Alice Rivaz seeking publisher. 



“In the Service of the Figure: Marcella Durand on translating Michèle Métail” for Hopscotch Translation, Part 1 and Part 2



“‘I’d Love to Love You’: Sarah Léon’s Wanderer, Translated from French by John Cullen” for Reading in Translation



“Distance Comes With Us”, forthcoming from [PANK] magazine

Invited Presentations

“Another Way to Say” Poetry in Public: Curation and Outreach in the Literary Arts guest lecture (course taught by Dr. Jeannine Pitas), April 17th 2023, Saint Vincent College

“Translation Theory: From the 3rd to mid-20th century: A question of Faith(fulness)” International Lecture & PPT Competition speaker, December 21st 2022, St. Stephen’s College, Uzhavoor